Meet Clop the Goat |
I convinced hubby that this would be an invaluable opportunity to take lots of photographs so that he'd come with me to WonderWool, and although he barely got his camera out, he seemed to have a fantastic time, looking for a dark "boy" coloured yarn for me to knit up a phone cover with.
He didn't find one he liked, but agreed that a trip to the haberdashery dept of John Lewis was in order.
I don't know if I conned him, or he came to that conclusion himself - but Result! :)
My purchases consisted of a lovely creation of GypsyDancer, (can't say too much about that yet as its a gift for someone who may read this) and 2 Spinning Batts. Well thats what it says on the bag, I don't know what they are called really. Hand died, merino, soft as heavens clouds in Lilac and Lime.
Purchasing a spindle did not go so well. I could only find three stalls selling them, one was selling pine, very basic models, another selling Turkish spindles which looked a little confusing, and a third guy putting on the hard sell, whose spindles were made of ebony.
I'm not an expert, but I know some types of ebony are endangered and I didn't feel comfortable to ask this guy about his sources.
Etsy it is for Spindles!
A lovely day out, I would recomend this to all, yarn-fondlers or not. Next year I'll probably camp and go both days (after remortgaging the house and selling a leg to pay for yarn), lets make it a party?
On the way home, Erwood Craft Centre for a lovely brew and a nosey at the lovelyness there. They now sell spinning yarn too, coloured by one of the WonderWool exhibitors who I was gutted not to be able to buy from (hence selling the leg next year), I'll be going back there when I have my spindle to purchase some Blue-Faced Leicester trimmings :)