Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Nigella Lawson, eat your heart out...

...but it won't taste as nommy as my Spicy Autumn Veg Soup thats on the stove simmering away right now :)
I've never made soup before 9AM before.  It may become a habit. 

In an attempt to become just like the Domestic Goddess herself (OK, so I'll never look like that and will probably lose interest the moment I have to read a recipe) I've been getting up a little earlier than I need to in order to sort out the big mess that is called a kitchen.
It took us years to get the new kitchen setup, and now an electrictian wants to take most of it out because the original guy messed up.  Well OK, but after Christmas.  Until then I'm getting it organised.  I'm considering packing it up into boxes, and unpacking in a logical manner, so that the things I use a lot are not three feet above my head, and the punch bowl I inherited from my mother isn't the first thing I see when I'm reaching for the eggs.
I'm also putting a curtain on the pantry door.  I will eventually reshelve it, but until then, its best hidden.

Projects on the go: 
Felted Bowl is OTN, if it works well, I'll make it a pair. 
Halloween/Hubsters Birthday postponed party is next week, must clean house, decorate for halloween and decide what to cook.  Chilli or soup? I think I'll be souped out by then :)
Christmas is looming in, I must decide who is getting a handmade gift and what it will be, and get onto that this week.
I have been offered the lend of a Spinning Wheel for the winter.  Watch this space (I may need untangling!)

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